Saturday, March 22, 6:30 p.m./8:00 p.m.--Silent Auction/Benefit Concert
DHS Brunelle Theater, 315 14th Street, Davis
For information and tickets: Davis Art Center, (530) 756-4100
- Performance by the Davis Youth Flute Choir, the first cultural group ever to represent Davis in its sister city, Inuyama, Japan (June 2008). Directors Maquette Kuper and Fredrick Lange.
- Soloist: Deborah Pittman, Native American flute.
- Silent Auction in the Choir Room, Hors d’ouevres in the lobby, both beginning at 6:30 p.m.
- Raffle Tickets available. Prize $500.00.
- Premiere of Adam Jenkins’ Sakura Sakura in jazz style. Hear the choir perform Sousa marches as well as the J.S. Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 4.
- Tickets available at the Davis Art Center, 1919 F Street, and Watermelon Music, 207 E Street, Davis. $10.00 General, $5.00 Student.
- Further information: Call the Davis Art Center at (530) 756-4100.